K Belle had such a simple birthday wish … A mother’s dream come true.
She didn’t want a party and she made it perfectly clear that she definitely DID NOT want to go to any restaurant where she would be sung to. She just wanted to go to the mall with a few friends, some spending money, and a pair of TOMS. That’s it. I could definitely handle this type of birthday.
First off, we headed to the one and only place in town that sold TOMS. She ended up getting two pair and stated that she was quite content and happy with just having that for her birthday. I’m lovin’ this girl more and more each day!
I threw her a tiny birthday lunch with her friends and our family’s friends. 
(The birthday girl and me at our favorite Mexican restaurant)
Then, we hit the mall. Her with $80 in her pocket and me with $100 in gift cards. Mama’s had a little party time too! Her big purchase: getting a second piercing in her ears, which I was against at first and then realized I had the same thing done when I was her age. So Beau and I allowed it.
(Laughing about how it wasn’t going to hurt)
(Um … it hurt a bit.)
By the time we had left the mall, I was broke. K Belle seemed to need to “borrow” money from me several times throughout our trip, despite me giving her $50 to start out with. Girls are expensive.
That night she shared the most delicious cake I think we’ve ever bought with her friends at church.
The cake: Red Velvet Cake with Red Velvet Cake Ice Cream! So good!
Now my little 14-year-old is in Phoenix with some other kids competing in a Fine Arts Competition. I already miss her. She’s pretty cool.