I got this here award from Soliloquy from She Just Has to Say It and the title of her blog pretty much says it all. She’s been the provider of quite a few laughs for me, but when she’s serious … ya’ll, she can just poor her heart out about stuff I can totally relate to. Go over and visit her. I promise you’ll get hooked.

As I said in the title, I really do try not to be so honest. Ask my friends. They’ll tell you I’m like an open book. What I think is written all over my face. I’m very transparent to a fault. So, being honest for me is easy … too easy. I must learn to be blank-faced and keep my mouth shut. I think I’ve been working on that for about 20 years.

Here are the rules for the Honest Scrap recipients:
♥ list 10 honest things about yourself (trying to think of things you don’t already know is difficult … not sure if these have to be deep serious things or random facts … here goes)
1. I recognize that I, like every woman I know, struggle with self-esteem and body image and I hate that for myself and for every woman and just want to punch whoever started making us feel this way.
2. Along with #1, I am not consistent in dieting and exercising. I will go through months of extreme exercise and then quit for a couple of months and gain all my weight back. I will eat healthy all day and then have chocolate at 9:30 p.m. Ugh!
3. I really hate the fact that some of my friends can eat whatever junk they want, don’t exercise a lick, and are just as skinny as can be. It’s really just not fair.
4. I have a negative view of men (except for Beau) that I’ve tried to work through all my life, thanks to a father that abandoned me as a young child.
5. I psychoanalyze every feeling I have, as you can see from above, and realize that the events that happen to you as a child determine a lot of who you are as an adult. (Wow. That was a little too deep.)
6. Everyone thinks I am very confident and sure of myself.
7. I have trust issues. Bad. trust. issues. (that comes into play even with my relationship with the Lord, the only One I can trust)
8. I hate that I can be critical when I don’t want other people being critical of me … kind of a contradiction.
9. That’s it … that’s what I am … a contradiction.
10. I don’t want to be a contradiction. I want to live what I say I believe … just live it out, dang it! Then, all of the previous items listed wouldn’t matter because I know who I am in Christ and I’ve got the big picture in mind, instead of my small little life of worries. 
Is that honest enough?
Here’s what I have to do:

♥ pass the award onto 7 blogs that you find brilliant in their content or design (I do find all of you brilliant, however, I’m going to choose 7 bloggers that I think are the most honest with stuff like this.)

If you’ve already done this, or don’t want to, you won’t hurt my feelings. Really. I’m honest, remember. But, hey, you are getting extra advertisement here. Just sayin’.

1. Annie @ Annie Blogs – Love her. She’s an open book and pulls on my heartstrings a lot, along with totally cracking me up with her videos.
2. Sarah@ Life in the Parsonage – We’ve been blogging friends for quite some time and sometimes I think I’ve written her posts, because she writes about stuff I can totally relate too. How does she get inside my head? And, of course, she’s a hoot. I’m sure you’ve visited her … heck, she’s got like a hundred and something followers. She’s the Prom Queen of Blogging or at least, Miss Congeniality. Love you, Sarah!
3. Fringegirl from The Domestic Fringe – She lives where I want to live and she definitely falls into that brilliant category. We’re fairly new friends, but I feel like I’ve known her forever. And she did wear some leg warmers for “Dare to Wear,” which I applaud her for.
4. Jodie from Dark Between the Stars – I have the privilege of knowing this girl in real life. And ya’ll, she’s the bomb. She’s as sweet as can be. You might hate her if you knew her in real life because she’s just that cute and sweet. Love you, Jodie.
5. Drama Mama @ Drama Pond – She’s one of those people you want to have as a friend in real life. I have no doubt about her honesty. She’s made me gasp a few times.
6. Lula @ Lulaville – One word: Genius. I sit at your feet in awe of your blogging powers.
7. Straight Shooter @ Shootin’ It Straight – Name pretty much says it all.
♥ link to the blogger who gave you this prize
♥ link to the blogs receiving the prize
♥ notify the recipients  … Off to notify …