Today’s the day K Belle and I head to the prison.
Not just any prison … Angola.
Apparently it’s educational.
It’s not your typical jail. It’s the Louisiana State Penitentiary. It’s not for the lowly check-frauders and traffic violators. This is where the big-time criminals go. I’m talking high-security. It’s actually the largest maximum security prison in the United States … about 5000 inmates or so.
When K Belle first told me her 8th grade class was going, I assumed it was to show what could happen when a person makes poor choices. I’m envisioning an episode of “Beyond Scared Straight” here.
She explained that it was a historical field trip. The prison has been around for a very long time.
I, of course, told K Belle I would accompany her to protect her from any danger. She gave me her typical sneer and began her smack-talk about how she’s taller than me. (which she IS NOT)
We were given specific instructions of what we could and could not wear. There was the typical items that no mom or dad with any common sense would wear  like mini-skirts, midriff tops, short shorts, hip-huggers (which I didn’t know people could even buy), etc.
But, then there was NO JEANS.
My wardrobe pretty much consists of jeans, jeans, some dresses, jeans, jeans, three leggings, and jeans.
K Belle’s suggestion was for me to wear sweatpants. 
Um. No.
I realized I had black pants only. I actually had to spend time and effort on a coordinating outfit to visit a prison. Yes. A. Prison.
I am actually looking forward to this field trip, overdressed and all.
K Belle’s excited to visit the gift shop and spend some money.
Yes … a gift shop.
I’ll be sure to pick up my “I’ve been to Angola and all I got was this t-shirt” t-shirt.