I lost one of the most important and influential women in my life 5 years ago.
I trusted everything this woman said. She had some incredible wisdom.
Every time anyone was with her, she captured their attention. She was a great communicator … witty, funny, smart. And, boy, did she have some stories. I could sit and listen for days.
I loved the way she loved me. She thought I was the best thing since sliced bread. I, of course, knew otherwise. But, she always made me feel like I was the most important person in the room.
This woman was something else.
Talented beyond measure. She was the woman in church that sang so loud that, as a child, I wanted to hide under the pew. But, she didn’t care. She couldn’t help the fact that God had blessed her with this enormous voice. She could perform and taught others to do the same. She inspired me to be a teacher.
She could cook. Man, could she cook! I miss those chicken and dumplings, along with her amazing potato rolls. She cooked everything from scratch and I still remember the day she taught me how to make my very own pie crust.
This woman was diagnosed with breast cancer in her forties. She took care of it with surgery and treatment.
She was cancer-free for the next 16 years or so.
And, then that cancer did something that it doesn’t typically do in these cases. It came back.
It is rare that a woman who has survived breast cancer at an early age will have to deal with cancer again in her later years of life.
And, at age 76, my grandmother lost her battle with cancer. Or did she win? Because now she stands before her King and her God, and joins my grandfather in heaven.
I still miss her.

Statistics say one in every eight women will develop breast cancer.
Women, please, please … self-exams and mammograms … GET ‘EM!
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