Yes, I’ve had enough of it.
People who complain about cankles.
Here’s why:
I’ve come to the conclusion that most people who actually have “cankles” have a tiny butt and small hips.
Why is that? So. Unfair.
Then, all they usually have to complain about is their cankles … puh-lease … give me a break. If that’s all you have to complain about, count yourself blessed!
And, let me tell you something, cankle-haters, I’ll gladly take your cankles over hips that don’t lie … actually hips that not only don’t lie but actually scream truth! My hips … they’re like, “Yeah, I’m here, whatcha gotta say about it?” My hips don’t care.
Why in the world am I writing about cankles?
Not sure.
But, I’ve got some darn fine ankles! Be jealous, fat canklers!!
(Found this … Poor Kim … I did feel sorry for her poor cankles, but she was pregnant at the time. Give her a break!)
YAY! I win!
No, really.
What this post really came out of was this:
I run. And, run. And. Run.
My ankles keep getting tinier and tinier, while my hips keep getting wider and wider. The straps on my sandals are falling off. The holes for the straps on those sandals aren’t far enough over. However, buttoning my jeans is quite uncomfortable, maybe even painful. Stupid jeans. Why can’t we just all be happy with elastic waistband pants? Really, people. It’s time for a revolution.
I blame nachos. Yep. Nachos are to blame for my widening hips. They’re delicious! Not my hips, the nachos.
And, maybe my inconsistency in working out. That might play a part too.
But, it’s about to be kicked into high gear. Within the next few weeks, I’ll be starting my training for my third half-marathon, and maybe a fourth. But, even scarier … my first full marathon, planned for December or January. SCARY. Because honestly after 13.1 miles, I’m ready to die. 
So, while I don’t know if my body can actually handle it, I will definitely give it a try. Just because.
I’m seriously gonna have to cut down on the nachos.