Apparently more than three.
Thank God for my two blogging friends, Jodie & Rachel, who called me as soon as the conference was over, saying, “Are you hungry?”
Of course, I was. But, was not sure I could get away. You know … the whole being in charge means making sure everything is clean & neat & put away before you can leave.
I had a great bunch of people that had it all under control, and after hugging & thanking my friend, Carlie, and crying out of pure exhaustion and happiness that the event was over and a success, I called them back and said, “I’m coming. Order me some shrimp quesadillas.”
I was off to the little Mexican restaurant down the street.
We talked and laughed & then, of course, had to get a pic to commemorate the event, like any true blogger would do.
Now, before you judge these pics, you must note that we had been working all day. Jodie & Rachel at their booths. Me doing some MBWA (management by walking around) at the marketplace that was held in conjunction with the women’s conference.
People, I was tired (4 1/2 hours of sleep) and greasy and didn’t wash my hair because of the torrential downpour that was occurring all weekend. These pics are evidence of those facts.
And, a question … if you saw three women struggled and contorting their bodies to just take one picture, wouldn’t you offer to help? I would. We laughed so hard we were crying.

Sorry, girls. You knew they would hit the blog. Take heart that you two don’t look the worst.