I’ve written here before how I hate using the word “busy.” I hate using it any time. I cringe when it actually comes out of my mouth. Mainly because I think people, in general, hide behind that word and make it an excuse for not doing anything they really just don’t want to do. I think we’d all just like to not hear “I’m too busy” and hear “I really just don’t want to do it” instead. Just be honest.
We let busyness dictate our life. 
Busyness has control and tells us what we can and cannot do. 
Ridiculous, huh?
Because really no one is too busy to do the things they really want to do. As my mama always said, “You make time for the things that are important to you.” So true. Wise words, Mama.
And, it is true. We definitely do that … despite how “busy” we may or may not be.
I now think there are two types of busy: “good busy” and “excuse busy”.
“Excuse busy” is what I explained before. “Good busy” is something totally different.
“Good busy” is when you see your goals being accomplished and positive things are happening. You can see the end-result and it makes the busyness all worthwhile.
That’s where I am right now, the “good busy”.
My house will stay in a state of disarray and messiness from now until May. Just the way it’s gonna be and I’m content with that because I know good things are happening.
Work is over-the-top busy. When you work at a church, Easter and Christmas are definitely the craziest times, but, again, “good busy”. There’s a bigger picture!
But, this is coming up – 
Joie de Vivre – www.jdvconference.org.
Another “good busy” and I’m pumped!
Throw in a husband, two kids, and two dogs, and you have CRAZY “good busy”.
Now, let’s not think for a moment, there may or may not be some small bits of meltdowns coinciding with all these events happening. That’s pretty much a given. But, again … big picture, “good busy”.
And, I’m OK with it and I think those closest to me are OK with it too. I’ve got good people!
On the home-front, many household things are on the horizon. Many things that need to be completed by two very busy people.
Beau is also busy. When he’s busy, I’m busy and vice versa. It’s the nature of the beast.
The girls … also busy, trying to get their grades where they need to be and finish off the school year strong. {This usually involves Beau and me too … grrrr … I simply don’t remember how to do sixth or 10th grade math.}
The dogs … Roxy Belle is a sweet angel now since we got the new puppy, Oliver. I’m just trying to teach him that, as a dog, he’s supposed to detest peeing in his own kennel. Hopefully he’s turning a corner soon.
We have two big changes in our family:
1. Beau has lost just over 50 pounds as of today. So proud of him!
2. La Petite Belle will be attending a new school next year, so we’re also preparing for that. She got accepted into a school of choice for theatre (like her sister). Excited about that too and no longer having to pay private school tuition! Whew! A little breathing room is nice.
I started this out as a post explaining why my blogging will be sparse, but I guess you already figured that out.