What is it about me that wants everything in life to be fair and just? Sometimes I just want to shake somebody or at least, slap some sense into them.

I need to show more compassion and more mercy.
When a wrong is done, I need to not worry about fixing it, and making sure the person doing the wrong knows that it’s wrong.
Do you know how hard that is for me? 
I’m thinking … “Wake up, people! Do you not see that this is an injustice? Are you oblivious to the fact that this is wrong and unfair?”
I should be thinking … “It’s not my responsibility to judge someone else’s decisions.”
Beau always says this and it’s so true … “God will not hold you accountable for so-and-so’s (fill in name here) decisions, but will hold you accountable for your reaction to those decisions.”
That’s hard, people.
When I want God to act with justice, He just shows compassion.
I know, I know. Thank God that He acts this way toward me because I’ve got a lot of stuff He should deal harshly with me about, but again, He shows mercy and compassion.
(Note to self: Keep mouth shut.)