But, not me.
I cannot tell a joke. 
I get confused. I get punch-line anxiety and then mess up the joke.
My humor comes from my quick comebacks (look who I live with) and sarcasm, not from jokes.
Beau is the same way, except he’s way more silly than me, which means the girls think he’s hilarious.
K Belle and La Petite Belle are each coming into their own brand of humor.
K Belle … dry humor, which is quite funny. But, I often have to remind her not to say anything that might hurt someone’s feelings.
Here’s what she said last night at the dinner table:
“Mommy, I was watching TV today, and I think you need to get on Nutri-System.” 
Uh … what? This was not really a joke, but displays her lack of understanding what is and is not appropriate to say.
After Beau told her that that was not a nice thing to say and that she basically just called her mother “fat,” she almost cried.
She says she said that because I am always exercising and trying to lose weight and Nutri-System has a lot of food you can eat. 
I believe her. Thanks for looking out for Mom, I guess.
La Petite Belle … joke-teller … um … non-funny joke-teller. I try to encourage her to only tell jokes that she’s heard that make sense, but I guess making them up is much more fun. Seriously. None of her jokes make sense. And she laughs hysterically and tries to explain why it’s funny, which it’s not.
Case in point … her joke last night:
“Mommy and Daddy, I have a joke for you.” (Beau and I wince a little and reluctantly ask her to tell us.) 
“OK. There’s this town that’s on fire. And, there’s this piece of toast … No … wait … Let me start over. OK, there’s this town on fire. And, there’s this steak. This steak says, ‘I’m toast.’ And the toast pops up and says, ‘No, you’re not. I am’ “(Then she makes that drum sound heard after jokes – bucket of fishhhh)
I laugh. Beau doesn’t.
Then, K Belle starting to explain how the joke makes no sense because toast doesn’t talk and asks her why the town is on fire. She can be a dream killer.
Busy weekend ahead. I will try to keep my sarcasm to a bare minimum. (wink)