Perfect timing for:
The garage door to break,
the rear electric window to not go up and, then, not go down,
La Petite Belle to be covered in some type of rash as a result from poison ivy, oak, or other poison tree or leaf,
K Belle to vomit all night long and run fever,
an additional infection for me too,
and my face to think I’m an acne-ridden teenager.
Did I mention my roots need to be done?
Or that working out and dieting has been put on the back burner while I frantically wash every article of cloth in the house and bleach every surface?
Or that I have rehearsals almost every night this week?
Or that I have about 3 packing lists and to-do lists floating around that I’m constantly adding to?
Must not forget travel pillow. Gotta go add that to my list.