La Petite Belle pulled this out of the utensil drawer the other night.

What you may not be able to see is that that little black smudge on the edge of the fork was once Dora the Explorer.
This is HER fork.
She has eaten from this fork ever since she could eat from a fork.
No one has been allowed to eat from this fork but her.
When a younger child would come over to the house, I would offer it to that child and La Petite Belle would give me THE look. You know … the same look you give your children when they are doing something you don’t want them to do … that one. And we wonder where they learn it.
This same child pulled that fork out, very nonchalantly handed it over to me and said, “Mommy, I think we can get rid of this. I’m way too old for it.”
Mommy was a little sad.
She asked, “Are you sure? It’s your Dora fork. You’ve eaten off of this fork since you were a baby.”
La Petite Belle: “Yes, Mommy. It’s OK.”
Mommy was still sad.
She asked one more time: “Are you sure?”
La Petite Belle: “Yes.”
That fork is still sitting on the counter just in case she changes her mind. Or Mommy hopes she will. Darn growing up.
When her Dora doll gets thrown out of the bed, I may shed a tear.