Don’t offer me one more cookie or piece of chocolate.
Don’t make me feel justified in my overeating by saying, “Oh, it’s the holidays!”
Don’t tell me I should just sleep in because, after all, “it’s the holidays.”
Don’t wear your skinny jeans in front of me and complain about how fat you are when I can’t even wear anything that has “skinny” in it’s title.
Don’t compliment me.
It’s time for truth, people.
I need to get my butt in gear and stop this frantic eating.
Enough’s enough.
Where’s Jillian when I need her?
Ahhh … there she is.
That’s what I needed.
If you’re reading this at the time of posting, I will be dragging my butt out of the bed and attempting my first workout in three weeks …
because, you know, it was the holidays.
(Or maybe I’ll wait until after the 1st)