I’ve posted before about my disapproval of some of what television programming Disney puts on.
From glamourizing disrespecting teens, to loads of sorcery, to way too much lovey-dovey stuff for nine-year-olds and the like to be watching , there’s a lot to disagree with.
Granted, Disney in general is pretty close to amazing in most of its endeavors. And, I do love a lot about Disney. Shoot … if I could go to DisneyWorld tomorrow, I would.
But, when it comes to the content of a lot of their programming, I’m not always a fan.
What I’m most not a fan of is their music videos that are strategically placed throughout the day.
I’m trying to teach my girls about modesty and purity and the like, and then they see lots of booty-shaking, seductiveness, and lots of girls in the rain.
Rain. Lots of it.
What’s up with the girls in the rain? Is that sexy and attractive?
All I know is when I get out of the shower, I tend to favor the likeness of a drowned rat. So, I guess I just don’t get it. Come to think of it, I’ve never seen anyone look this good in the rain.
It is possible that mostly men are making these videos. (I am not on a men-hating kick this week. Promise. Two totally separate thoughts and posts. Promise.)
Look below. Don’t you think this looks a little too old of a video for Selena Gomez? She’s as cute as a button, but really, can’t we just let her be a little more innocent? She’s still a teenager, people. Stop forcing her to grow up so fast. And, enough with the rain.

She would have been just as cute in jeans and a t-shirt under an umbrella. (The song’s a little melodramatic for me anyway. Being without you is like “A Year Without Rain”? OK, honey … it’s time to move on.)
Just last month, I had to bear watching Demi Lovato get soaked in her video, “Let the Rain Fall.”
These, of course, are just a drop (no pun intended) in the bucket to most of the other videos that are turned out by Miley Cyrus. Even little Hilary Duff was ruined in her “Rain Fall Down” video.
And, should we even mention Lindsay Lohan?
So cute in her first Disney film, “The Parent Trap.”
Yikes … now after just several years of drug, alcohol, and plastic surgery addiction. Scary.
Um … she’s pretty much the poster child for child actors gone bad.
Looks like a pattern here.
Hey, Disney … let the girls stay out of the rain, please.