We attempted an early bedtime last night so that the girls wouldn’t be such bears in the early morning as they leave for a week of camp.
About 15 minutes after I had tucked them in, said their prayers, and kissed them goodnight, La Petite Belle came down the stairs in tears.
She said, “Mama, can you pray with me?”
Me: “Why are you crying?”
La Petite Belle: “I don’t want you and Daddy to die while I’m away.”
Me: “We’re not going to die. At least, we’ll try really hard not to.”
Le Petite Belle continues, with tears pouring down her face, “But, I don’t want you to die. I’ll just be torn to pieces if I have to live without you and not be able to see you. And, Daddy scares me when he says, ‘We’re not promised the next 5 minutes.'”
I respond by talking to her about heaven and how that’s the only place where we’ll be able to be together forever with no sadness or tears. Then, how she doesn’t have to worry about anything if Jesus is in her heart and she’s living for God. And, who knows? Jesus could come back at any time.
Then, she says, “But, what if Jesus is not real and we just die and there’s nothing?”
Me: “Jesus is real.”
La Petite Belle: “But, I’ve never heard Him speak to me one single time in my whole life.”
I then proceed to tell her about how God speaks to us through His Word and His Holy Spirit. Then, explain that she really needs to be reading her Bible every day and God will speak to her.
La Petite Belle: “But, you know I hate to read.”
Me: “Well, if you want God to speak to you, you have to read it.”
We talk a little more about a few other things. Then, we begin to pray.
I start.
Then, she finishes and so earnestly includes this: “Jesus, please come back soon so none of us have to die. Please come back soon!”
As she said that, I got teary-eyed thinking about how that should be my prayer every night. Instead of praying about my own agenda and my own plans, I want to have a heart that can honestly pray, “Jesus, come back soon! I’m ready anytime You are.”
I want to be ready.