K Belle says good-bye to middle school!
Here she is standing for recognition of her poem that got published and her superior artwork.
Actually getting that “diploma.” Most of the pictures are blurry. That’s what happens when you forget your camera and have to borrow someone’s massive professional camera with 142 different settings and 28 buttons that you don’t even know what to do with. At least we have something. I am that parent who always forgets her camera.
And, this is just the best picture of the day. Cutie patootie La Petite Belle waiting around for graduation to start and begging me to play on my phone.
No more school for K Belle and the boredom has already kicked in. I keep encouraging her to take advantage of doing nothing for the next couple of weeks. It’s so hard when all you have to do is sleep late, watch TV, and make the hard decisions of what to eat. 
Let the summer begin …