Yes, it happened.
I really tried to compose myself, but the tears just streamed, despite my every effort to hold it together.
On Friday morning, my blog didn’t exist.
There was nothing. Nada.
You see … I did this whole transfer-registrars thing. Bad idea. Really bad.
I had a friend, Steve, who kind of took care of it for me. He’d pay my $8.00 a year and I’d buy him Starbuck’s. It was a good deal. But, there were times I didn’t want to pester him with my technical issues. He is a busy man and shouldn’t be bothered with my little blog.
So, I decided to just move to GoDaddy and try to handle things on my own like a big girl.
Like I said … bad idea.
I don’t understand any of the technical terms when talking with the people online. They throw words out there like “hosting” and “IP address.” I feel sorry for the rep that picks up my call.
There were many issues to why my blog was gone. All of which I wouldn’t even begin to try to explain to you. Suffice it to say, I was back and forth on the phone with GoDaddy and Steve from 7:30 a.m. until 9:30 a.m.
I was really fine and thought this issue would get fixed until the fourth or fifth GoDaddy rep told me that I may have to start from scratch and build my own blog again … that I may have lost everything I  had written.
Three years of my life … gone.
At that moment, I realized how important this place is to me. And, the fact that I may have lost everything I had written concerning my children and my family overwhelmed me …. Christmas and other holiday celebrations gone …. Birthdays gone … Things my children said and did gone … Vacations gone … Things I wrote about God gone. I could go on and on.
Then, came the waterworks.
That poor tech. I had to cut the conversation short.
At that moment, I prayed. Yep. Prayed … over a blog.
Afterwards, I called Steve again. After he had logged onto all my accounts and we looked through the settings of the blog together, he said, “Girl, what did you do?” I panicked a little. He had to go through some things on his own and call me back.
I prayed some more.
He called. Within a few minutes it was back up. He worked some kind of magic and made it work. I had to literally write down what he said that he had done in case I needed it later on. Told you. I know nothing about this stuff.
This happening has pushed me to make hard copies of all my meaningful and memorable posts.
Completing this task will be a doozy. So, it starts. Going through the last three years of my life will take some time, but it is definitely happening.