Come back tomorrow to read why I’m not finishing Twilight.
The Crappiest Video Ever OR Be Prepared for Rambling, Bad Audio, Bad Lighting, but Decent Camera Work (says the camera man)
by stillrising | Dec 30, 2008 | Daphne, Uncategorized | 39 comments

“Elizabeth: The Golden Years” sounds like a bio on Liz Taylor. Anyway, thanks for doing this, even though the camera assaulted your professional media sensibilities. I respect the sacrifice BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! Can’t get enough of these video posts that you do from time to time. I have the Ped-egg. What I want to know is, does the miracle mud or whatever it’s called really work? Do things stick like they claim? Glad you’re back from your hiatus. Thanks for doing this, and have fun hopping around visiting everyone! Blessings!
Aw, that’s too cute! I love that they are making these webcams and cameras for kids now!
ok, I am going to have to go out today and get a ped egg. too many people have talked about it and I now need to have one!!! I’m also like Linda, does the mighty putty really work? Did you find it?
We love you too!
Cute glasses, by the way!
Crappy camera or not it’s still fun to see you! I’ve missed you! I can’t wait to hear what you’ve got to say about Twilight. And I’m totally going to try the pedegg.
It doesn’t hurt does it? I’ve had nightmares that I’ll use it and it cuts my foot up.
I have a Ped Egg, and I need to use it on the foot that was in a cast for a month. It has some serious dead skin! Or maybe I’ll just get a potato peeler….
Enjoyed the video!
What about the Snuggie, Mama Belle?! I may need to get me one of those Ped Eggs! Refreshing and disgusting at the same time is very tempting.
You looked and sounded fabulous even with the static.
Love my Pedegg! I moved an entire city off the heels of my feet.
Wax the lip.
I want Mighty Putty.
You are way brave, going to N.O. I’ve been there a ‘jillion times in my life to see my Giant Crazy Cajun Family and I wish this past August was my last, but alas. I’ll have to go back, I know.
I won’t read the Twilight books.
Rocky is adorable!
Crayola Camcorder. Haha! Love it!
all sorts of GREAT info. my boys keep telling me about the ped egg. they think mama needs pretty much most anything on those infomercials.☺
i’ve heard a lot about twilight. but something has kept me from venturing down that path. so i am VERY curious what your perspective is.
great *seeing* you again!
happy new year,
Great video!! And yes! I love my Ped-egg! I also think your camera is so cute.
I need a Ped Egg, have seen them but have been to scared to buy one, not anymore!!
This is a very entertaining vlog. I need a Pegegg! I am really interested in reading about why you won’t finish Twilight. I have no yet read the series or seen the movie Twilight, but I have noticed a lot of bloggers going Twilight crazy . . . in a good way. So, I am really eager to finally see another perspective on the book.
Will look forward to your Twilight post. Being far away we’ve missed the hoopla but have read about it online. The daughter who has also not read the books, was very surprised to find a 30-something male astro physicist friend is totally into the books and took her to see the movie over Christmas.
OK… SO stinkin funny! I almost hacked up a lung laughing at this post!
I too love the Ped Egg and have been wanting to try that hair removal glove thingy. But it doesn’t sound like it does a better job than Nair.
And I can’t wait to hear why you won’t finish Twilight. I have decided I am not going to cave (like I did with Harry Potter) and read them, so I’m interested to hear why you are stopping. 🙂
Miss you! It’s good to see you back to blogging!
You’re too cute…I am anxious to try the Ped egg now, and I can not wait to read your expose on Twilight. I have been trying to figure out what the big fascination is with that book without having to read it for myself. BINGO! 🙂
Still scared of the Ped-Egg. But your endorsement might help.
And please pass the Nerds!!
This was great! So much for not spending $ on the Ped Egg. I kept telling myself it wasn’t worth it! Ahhh! Sigh! I’ll be purchasing one! 🙂 My boys were excited to hear someone actually owns Mighty Putty! I suppose we’ll be getting some of that too! 🙂
I loved your video. I thought my husband was the only one who got glazed over at infommercials. He bought the “Eagle Eye Sunglasses.” They were CHEAP!!! (expensive, but cheaply made.)
Have a great day!
Totally cracking up about your camera! I am just relived that my digital camera has a video setting or I would be in the same boat!
Can’t wait to hear why you will not be finishing Twilight. I have not read it yet either and am not sure I ever will. Vampires! Really? Sorry Sarah @ Life in the Parsonage. I just don’t get it!
Visiting from 2nd Cup.
Maybe the next movie will be about "Elizabeth & The Golden GIRLS" so she can run around with Bea Arthur and Rue McClanahan. 🙂
The pedegg makes me nervous — like applying a cheese grater to my feet. I may get brave and try it eventually.
Thanks for letting us see what you're saying! I'll be back!
You are always so entertaining
I didn’t think the video quality was that bad but you crack me up girl! Love the product reviews … I have been wanting one of those ped eggs. :-0
PS. My kids are just like that… no planning necessary 😉
Great video despite your camera trouble. It’s so funny that you guys have Mighty Putty. My kids want it. Personally, I want a Sham-WOW!
Ok I thought you called it a pet egg and I thought man I want one of those. Then I found out it was a ped egg and even though it made more sense, I am no longer interested. Did you say Crap in that video? Naughty girl. I edited my bad words out. haha.
No Snuggie?! I was sitting on the edge of my seat – I just knew you had one!
Crayola Camera, eh? Not too bad for a company who’s primary product line is colored wax sticks.
Okay, loved this. You are too funny.
And guess what – I got a PedEgg for Christmas! Whoo hoo!
I am glad to hear that the other thing is a crock since I am in a constant state of Unsightly Hair Battle. Or War, I should say.
Ok, you know infomercial I freeze and stare at now – that bra thing, that you put on your bra straps. You know what I’m talking about? I want one bad. So you try it out and let me know, ok?
Are you kidding me…you’re hilarious!!! The PED egg!!! lol!
Even though it’s blasphemous that you won’t finish TWILIGHT…I still love to see your videos and the part where you are in your glasses complaining about the camera…made me laugh SO hard!!! 🙂
Your product endorsements were stellar. I am looking forward to your book critique. That little comment made me decide to come back!! (Way to drive traffic.)
The video camera in your house is the bomb. I just used my cell phone.
coming back tomorrow. I am not even starting it, so I am curious what you think.
PED egg???? I have a file from avon… works about that same..
Girl, this made me laugh so hard. For the record, I kiss my PedEgg on a weekly basis. I just feel an overwhelming need to give it some sugar, for all the benefits it’s given me.
p.s. Do I really want to read your post about Twilight? Oh, dear…my stomach just turned.
Oh my… you are too funny. I will look forward to reading what you have to say about Twilight. I made it through that book and couldn’t go on with the rest. So curious. Nice to meet you, lady!
What irony that you don’t have a camera. 🙂
Love your bookmark!
I agree about writing less offensively. If I had a backspace button in real life I’d be so much better off.
Loved your video, you are just so funny.
I’ve tried everything else on my heels, guess I need to try the PedEgg.
Glad you didn’t say Snuggie – might as well just put a winter robe on!
I like your product endorsements.
I loved your product reviews. I will definately be getting a ped-egg. I can relate to gross and exciting at the same time! (just between you and me, I don’t read Twilight because it just doesn’t seem to be Christ-like).
*TSCHHHHHH – tssschhhh* What was that you said darlin’?
That poor video camera! You still rocked it tho’.That was TOO cute! My whole family came over to hear you go on about your ped egg and all the other stuff.
I got my Dad that Mighty Putty for Christmas too. I knew he would want it and he was so happy…happy about putty. Men!
I love it that you endorsed the ped egg. I thought you said Pet egg at first and thought you’d totally lost it then I heard past the roar of hissing and figured out you were saying ped egg. Never heard of it, but what I do use is cheap and it works like nobody’s bidniss!
I tried to tell my boss how to use it but she just kept whining that it wouldn’t work for her like I said but it does! She’s obviously doing wrong. I’ve actually been formulating a post on taking care of feet. It’s selfish really. Really what I want is for people to stop going out in public with nasty feet that I have to look at. Horrible, but true! so this must be some sort of sign/confirmation huh? *L*
gr8 job…i think the lighting made it very homey!
i’m on my third month of using my pedegg…love it!
Happy New Year!
I always enjoy your videos.
I had never heard of the Pet Egg either. LOL. I”m not sure if I want one or not! Too funny. I’m late getting around to see what you’re saying but just in time to say Happy New Year!
You seem super sweet : ). I want to be your friend!