We spend a lot of time in vehicle driving here and there. This is a conversation with the girls yesterday.

K Belle: Mama, what does flabbergasted mean?
Me: Uh… (trying to think of a way to break this down) like you can’t believe something, you’re amazed (best I could do)
K Belle: OK, well I think it’s my new favorite word … (proceeds to use it in several sentences) I’m flabbergasted that Daddy did not stop at that stop sign. I’m flabbergasted that Daddy is not going the speed limit. I’m flabbergasted that …
(She proceeded to use it a lot.)
La Petite Belle: I like the word “example.” 
La Petite Belle: Like the cops are an example to men and women and a big kid is an example to a little kid … (and so on and so on)
This got me thinking …
First of all, I never had a favorite word as a kid. Did you?
Secondly, if I did have a favorite word, I think it would be … plethora.