That’s what was on the top of K Belle’s graduation requirements.
Uh, what?
2015, people.
I’m feeling older and older every day. Even now as I watch my recorded “American Idol,” I see them singing songs from their birth year, most of them being the year I graduated high school. Yeah … I could be their mom. Not lovin’ that.
We did tour K Belle’s her future high school last night … a high school of over 2000. I figure she’s in for a little shock coming from her little school of a little over 250.
My kids were mostly interested in the fact that Jacee Badeaux, former “American Idol” contestant, was there singing in the chorus.
K Belle was quite excited about what is to come. She’s truly pumped for this upcoming year and I’m comforted knowing that she already has some friends in her freshman class.
Freshman class?
Wait … this little girl’s gonna be a freshman?
No way.