It’s what I did all day today and still didn’t get finished, which is very frustrating to me. I’m the type of person that likes to be completely done by the day after Thanksgiving and it stresses me out that I’m not.
All the stores I went to today were a mess. I might as well have been shopping at garage sales. 
As you know, I loathe Old Navy … mainly because I have to dig through mounds of clothes to find what I want when it’s probably going to be in the wrong section of the store anyway. It was ridiculous today. Every table was just a pile of unorganized, unfolded shirts. The clearance section had more clothes on the floor than on the hangers. I was actually chuckling out loud at the mess. But, all their clearance today was an additional 30% off, so I took a shot at it. But who could find anything?
Old Navy, you need to get your act together. I realize everyone and their dog likes to shop at your store because the prices are so cheap and the clothes are mostly stylish, however, Goodwill is way more organized than you (and they even have some of your clothes … heck, their whole store is color-coordinated, can’t get much better than that). So, Old Navy, maybe you should take some hints from them (or actually any other store in the world because they are all more organized than you).
This pic is not so bad, but look at the table in the upper left hand corner.


And I was issued a challenge to read “Twilight,” which I may take on, just as soon as life slows down a bit. Then, we can really talk, because I’m totally going into it with a cynical attitude. I’ll give you my review as soon as I waste my money (ahem), I mean buy the book and read it.
And, yes, Beau is really going to buy a gun. He told me today he wants to teach the girls how to use it at the firing range. To which I said, “I don’t think so.” Not quite yet. They’re still a little too young for that.