I just never really liked playing with the girls.
I did have some girlfriends at school … maybe one or two.
But, on a day-to-day basis, I played with boys.
My best friends have always been boys.
I just liked them better and there was never any drama.
As a young girl, I played outside daily with my next-door neighbor … a boy. I remember climbing and spending many days on the giant oak tree in the front of our house.
Even as I got older, all the way up into middle school, I played and hung out with my step-dad’s younger brother who was only one year older than me. We lived out in the country. Our daily activities were climbing roofs, harassing our 90-year-old aunt, riding bikes, blowing up frogs in shoe boxes (not proud of that one), and hunting for snakes.
And, if I wasn’t playing with the boys, I played alone.
Let’s not forget, I’m an only child. I know. Shocker.
I was perfectly content to play alone.
I read a lot. I colored. But, I mostly sang.
I can remember singing anything and everything from Michael Jackson’s “Dancing Machine” (on eight-track, mind you), to Heart’s “Barracuda,” to Linda Ronstadt’s “Blue Bayou,” to every song from Grease.
I must admit. I did play with Barbies. Just a little. All I remember is creating makeshift furniture to create the Barbie house I didn’t have and always wanted. I’m not bitter.
I’ve often wondered why I always preferred the boys over the girls as friends.
I always felt very comfortable with the boys, even when I was the only girl. No problem.
Even when I was in high school, my best friend was, of course, a boy … and my boyfriend. Because I was always with him, I hung out with his friends. It’s just the way it was.
I had one girl who I would consider to have been a good friend in high school and we really didn’t hang out that much away from school. But, I did like her a lot. She had her own boyfriend so maybe it was because she wasn’t needy at all.
In college, my girlfriend pool grew larger, but still they were really just girls to go out and have fun with. No real relationships.
And, after my first semester in college, I had developed a relationship with, you guessed it, a boy. Again, my best friend was a boy.
After I got married, my best friend … a boy, of course. No need for any girls. I was just too busy.
However, my first real friendship with a girl (woman) occurred after K Belle was born and we lived in a Oklahoma. She was a neighbor with a child of a similar age. I didn’t even know how special our relationship was until the morning that I pulled the U-Haul out of our garage to move back to Louisiana. She had attached a card to the windshield, and as I read it, tears streamed down my face. I was really going to miss this girl. I really did love her.
After moving home, I still didn’t really seek out any girlfriend relationships. I was busy with kids and really just didn’t think about it.
When we went out with couples, it was due to Beau being friends with them. I always felt like I was just tagging along and enjoying the company. At that time, it was good to have any kind of adult conversation.
Since then, I feel like I’ve moved into a new season in my life, which includes girlfriends.
I can’t even begin to express how precious my girlfriend relationships are to me. I have a few really good friends that I know I can trust with anything and would come running if I ever needed them.
I am blessed and now understand the true value of friendships among women.
But, hey, I can still hang with any guys and feel right at home, and can probably beat them in a foot race too.