Here’s some of the icebreaker questions I asked at the getaway this past weekend.

Wanta play?
1.Β If you could be invisible, where would you go?

Β To “The Bad Kitty.” It’s a … ahem … lingerie store downtown. I’m talking Victoria’s Secret on steroids. I will get up the nerve to go in one day, when I have my baseball cap and sunglasses on.

What was your favorite book growing up?
There were so many I loved. As a very young child, they were Goodnight Moon, Make Way for Ducklings, Where the Wild Things Are, and Harold and the Purple Crayon.

As I got older, any Judy Blume book I was reading at the time was my favorite. What other books at the time talked about periods and increasing your bust? None.
Where is the worst place you’ve ever had to wait?
On I-10, at a stop, for an hour or more, with two kids in the backseat.

Name a food that nauseates you.
Beets. The texture, the smell, the look. Probably the only vegetable I don’t like.

If you could read minds, whose would you want to read?
My mom’s. She just doesn’t think the same as I do. I know you are all surprised that a mother and daughter may think differently.

What is the worst grade you’ve ever gotten? In what subject?
A D in Algebra in high school,which led to my success in Math 101 in college the whole four times I had to take it and drop it.

If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?
Definitely a house dog. Specifically, Roxy Belle, who is at this moment, resting from walking outside to pee after her long night’s sleep. How much sleep does one dog need? And when she’s not sleeping, she’s laying out in the sun, catching some rays. She has parents who dote over her. It would be nice to sit on someone’s lap and have them just rub your back.

If you were a teacher, what grade/subject would you teach?
I was a teacher and taught preschool, 5th, 3rd, and 2nd grade. 2nd grade was by far my favorite. As far as a subject goes, it would definitely have to be English. I love parts of speech, diagramming, punctuation (commas are my favorite), and writing.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what is the one thing you would want to have, besides your Bible?
A gun with unlimited bullets. Then, I could hunt, or even shoot some fish or even birds, if I needed. Intruders would not be a problem either.Β Of course, if I had Beau with me, he could take care of all that with his bare hands. But, the question did say “thing.” I’m sure he would not like me referring to him as that, like he’s just a piece of property for me … wait … maybe he would (wink, wink). So, I’ll change my answer to Beau. I’ll take my man, Beau.

Feel free to play along. My friend, Jodie, did the same. Her answers are a hoot.