“Unless You Puke, Faint or Die, Keep Going!” – Jillian Michaels
Yes, I have been working out. It’s really just a lifestyle for me. I’m not a nazi about it.

Do I do it every day? No. But, I try for 4-5 times a week.

I commit to do it because I have to.

I just have to.

I feel guilty not doing it.

K Belle says I’m addicted to exercising.

Dang, well, you’d think I’d be a lot smaller in my mid and rear sections then. But, despite my many attempts to just be a size 6, I am not.

Whatever. It’s all good.

I will be joining my skinny little friends for our annual beach get-a-way this week. (Take that, Gulf oil spill!)

I become a little bipolar at the thought of lying on the beach in a bathing suit …. One side of me really doesn’t care what the heck I look like, it’s good enough … and the other side becomes depressed at the thought of me lying on the beach in my bathing suit.

Aside from that fact, I’m super pumped about our weekend.

I won’t be blogging until next week because we leave tomorrow and I’m overwhelmed with packing just the right bathing suit that my booty cheeks don’t hang out of. This takes time.

Seriously, have you seen the bathing suits lately? I do declare … they are skimpy beyond belief.

I’m ready to bring this back …
Nothing like leaving a little mystery to what’s under there, right? Right.

But, I really am most excited about being with my girlfriends.

Beau and my girls will survive on eating out every meal and lying around the house watching FOX news and Disney channel, I’m sure.

So, until next week, where I’ll have a full report of the Gulf situation and show pics from my LOST party being thrown on Sunday evening (after getting back into town on Sunday afternoon … yeah, I know … glutton for punishment), have a wonderful weekend, my peeps!