First off, did you all get to enter yesterday’s giveaway? Helloooo … $10 to Sonic. You can’t beat that. Read yesterday’s post and enter there.

Well, along with that, my friend, Jackie, is giving away a free header designed for your blog. To enter, leave a comment on this post. For Sonic, previous post. Got it? I’ll pick for both on Sunday. You must be entered before midnight on Saturday.
My body donned a two-piece bathing suit 2 weekends ago. 
Shocking. I know.
It was a bikini. Sort of. With a skirt. Does a skirt make it a non-bikini? 
My stomach hasn’t seen the light of day for about 16 years.
I warned my girlfriends ahead of time.
But, thought, that I’d seen a lot worse on the beach and felt comfortable enough with these friends to do so.
I had some good advice offered to me by my friend, Courtney: Stretch marks look better tanned. 
You know what? They do. They really do. That’s not to say they’re gone. Because there’s not enough tanning in the world to make those babies disappear.
So, I decided to buy my own two-piece bathing suit. Another bikini. With the skirt of course.
Imagine my surprise when I saw this.
Oh … wait, wait, wait.
Look at the first picture to get perspective. Cute. Skirt modestly covers.
Once again …
Imagine my surprise when I saw this.
Beau says I’ll be the hit at the pool.
Apparently I’m missing a piece.