Being a kid whose parents work at a church is hard.
The church becomes your second home.
You attend service after service on some weekends … four in a weekend to be exact.
My children are just about getting to the age where they don’t want to be in church that long, which I completely understand.
I get them out of their classes early so that they can hang out in my office, and the oldest will actually go into one of the main services.
There was a lot of complaining last weekend when I couldn’t check them out early or allow them to hang out with me in the office.
But, La Petite Belle showed me her very thorough notes. I think she could have actually taught the class.
She was even so thorough that she wrote out the order of service and the answers to all the questions the teacher asked. There was praise and worship, where they apparently sang a song called “Free.”

She wrote out her needs, which was to “help everyone else in need today.” For her offering, she gave “all my money and my faith and love.” (How sweet is that!)

And, at the end, she attempted to spell “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” just for fun.

Man, I love this girl.