Our Christmas production, A Charlie Brown Christmas, was a huge success, not in that we did a good job, but in the fact that over 4800 people had the opportunity to accept Christ. And, 80 made it official. That puts everything in perspective. All the late hours, hard work, and stress were worth it, knowing that those people now have a relationship with Christ.
As you know, I played Lucy. She was a great character to play. It was quite fun!
My favorite part of the entire production was meeting kids afterwards. I got so many hugs from precious little girls (and some boys). It was so sweet!
Until …
The most (ahem) precious little girl told me this after seeing me close-up:
“Ha! They made you look young on the stage.”
Why, yes, “they” did, Little Miss Smarty-Pants!
My expression after hearing this statement was probably somewhat like this.
(This pic cracks me up.)
What a great weekend!
Here’s a few more pics:

To watch the production, you can go here.