I was tagged by H-Mama, who is the wife of an actual real friend of Beau’s. Here’s what’s funny … she found me through Sarah’s blog. In fact, I think everyone’s found me through Sarah’s blog. Or maybe they found her through me … hmmm … hence her one-hundred-and-some-odd followers. I’m not jealous.

Anyway, here’s the Meme where I tell you 32 things you didn’t even care to know.
8 Things I’m Looking Forward to …
1. The girls being out of school
3. Going to the beach with good friends in June
4. Laying around the pool with the girls
5. A mission trip I will be going on sometime in the near future
6. Being able to run beyond my typical 3 miles. A girl can dream.
7. Having lunch today with good friends
8. Sleeping in this weekend and hoping more will follow
8 Things I Did Yesterday …
1. Grocery shopping. Blecch.
2. Convinced myself to do a more lax Daniel Fast again for the next 30 days
3. Realized I can eat Fritos on the Daniel Fast. Ingredients: whole corn, corn oil, & salt. Yeah, that’s all natural. Bought family-size bag. 
4. Reminisced about my babies’ younger years, while cleaning out La Petite Belle’s closet, and coming across their little dresses I kept. Growing up stinks.
5. Yardwork. Pulled at least 6 ft. of  poison ivy out of my own yard.
6. Finalized garage sale details for next weekend. Yes, I’ve lost my mind.
7. Loads & loads of laundry & still not done.
8. Took busiest street at busiest time of day, waited in line for 10 minutes, for the best sno-cones in town, after picking up girls from school. This was the best part of the day.
8 Things I Wish I Could Do …
1. Go with Beau to Europe.
2. Speak in front of people without feeling like I’m going to puke.
3. Open my own boutique.
4. Take the girls back to DisneyWorld before they get too old.
5. Just stinkin’ lose weight & not put it back on in one day.
6. Remodel portions of my home for little to no money.
7. Find a true anti-aging cream.
8. Despite some of the previous statements, be content with who I am & who God’s forming me to be.
8 Shows I Enjoy …
1. American Idol
2. The Biggest Loser
3. The Office
4. Jon & Kate Plus Eight
5. What Not to Wear
6. Saturday Night Live
7. Fox News, in general (Beau says that’s not a show, but so what … just all of it.)
8. Desperate Housewives (My guilty pleasure … don’t judge.)
Stumped for a blog post? Here you go. You’re welcome.