We have yet another musical performance to attend this afternoon.
Remember last week?
La Petite Belle, of course, really wanted a solo because she likes to be the center of attention everywhere we go and in everything she does. She got a small speaking part, which she seems to be OK with.
If there was only a way I could show you her progression of diva-ness through the years. I will have to get my genius husband to work on that for you to see. It did really all start when she was three-years-old at her K3 spring program when the little boy next to her wouldn’t give her enough space to do her hand motions. Much drama ensued because of that and it really has never stopped.
Here’s a taste from her performance from last week.
(She, of course, is great, but why is my eye automatically drawn to the boy to the right of her?)
This week “High School Musical” for the second time.
K Belle was in it last week and had a solo. She belted it out like I’ve never heard before, with a vocal run and all. Beau and I immediately looked at each other as if we didn’t even know who this child was and thought for a moment we were hearing Mariah Carey. Of course, my camera died the minute I tried to start taking pictures or recording. She doesn’t like to sing for us … go figure, so we never know what she’ll do or how she’ll sound. She’d much rather sing for a large audience. Teenagers … what can I say?
My favorite part of these events is the time spent afterwards.
For this night, it was Carabba’s & Crush … yum.

Have I mentioned Crush Yogurt before? There’s not much to say except that it is pure heaven if heaven were something you could eat. And the best part about heaven in a cup, it’s low-fat.
Cake Batter (non-fat) yogurt with berries and granola

Yeah, I think we’ll be there again tonight.
OK, the winner of the $15 Target gift card is Katie from The Baby Factory. If you haven’t visited her yet, go by. She’s kinda like me, but younger and cuter.
Here’s her little buTTon. Thanks for posting mine!

Katie … email me with your address so that I can get that in the mail.