Wait … what?
Yes. Weird, huh?
I have been a bride. Only once. (but engaged & “promised” twice before so … I know … crazy.)
I have never been a bridesmaid. Never. Not once.
I came close a couple of times but no dice. There was always a sister or cousin or 2nd-grade friend that trumped me and got the job. I’m not bitter about it. Not at all.
Now, that I think about it, those girls quite possibly lost out on the greatest bridesmaid EVER! I know I would’ve been hard-working and perfect for the job!
In fact, for my own wedding nineteen years ago, I scrambled for bridesmaids. SCRAMBLED. And, I only had four. (sorry, girls that may read this that were in my wedding … you were all great!)

I just never had a lot of girlfriends. I had one or two girls that I considered good friends throughout most of my life. But, I always tended to pull back at some point. I had trust issues.
I hate that I missed out on some potentially great friendships and relationships due to walls I put up and the idea that I didn’t need any girlfriends. In fact, I didn’t need anyone.
I realize now that girlfriends are essential to life. I feel very blessed with the generous amount of good friendships that I do have now. Very. Blessed.
Girlfriends play a part in our lives that no husband or boyfriend can play. It’s just a different and special kind of relationship. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about (unless you are like me 20 years ago, then you have no clue).
I say all this to say that I appointed myself an honorary bridesmaid this weekend at my friend, Jeri’s wedding. Yep. I’m bossy like that. I had SO much fun! My friend, Jane, joined me and declared herself honorary bridesmaid as well. Although, she has been a bridesmaid, so it obviously wasn’t as special as it was for me.
We were at the bride’s disposal. Her wish was our command.
Lunch delivered. YES! Just one of the simple tasks completed.
I even offered to hold her dress while she peed. True friendship! See? Told you! FANTASTIC bridesmaid!
But, the best part of being an honorary bridesmaid was getting to witness the beauty of this lovely lady marry one amazing guy! I pray God blesses them with many years filled with love, laughter, and happiness.
I love you, Jeri! I treasure your friendship! 
(And since everyone thinks we’re sisters, I’ve decided to appoint you my honorary sister.)