That’s what the radiologist called Saturday night, as he started K Belle’s CT scan.
Saturday night was K Belle’s first day on a new job, first (and hopefully last of these) car accident, ambulance ride, and CT scan.
This girl constantly amazes me on how she responds under pressure and stress. She is calm and is a problem solver.
As I was sitting on the couch Saturday night, relaxing after a long day of chores and errands, I got a phone call from K Belle. I knew she was on her way home from work.
She sounded just like her normal self, and said, “so ….. ummm … A car hit me from behind and caused me to hit the car in front of me. The police are here and the ambulance is on its way and my eye is bleeding.” I immediately become opposite of calm. I jump up, get my shoes on, and Beau and I are out the door. It takes us a while, but we finally get K Belle to articulate exactly where she is.
When we arrived, she was still calm and was getting treated by the EMTs. And, come to find out, K Belle (the minor involved in the accident – not the adults) was the one who called 911. She’s just so good under pressure.
Her car, Linda, wasn’t in as good condition as she was. Poor Linda had to get towed away.

The accident happened because of the driver behind her, not slowing down as the cars ahead of him were all coming up to a stop light. He slammed into the back of K Belle, which pushed her little bug into the back of the SUV (with a trailer hitch I might add, which ripped through her radiator) in front of her. She was the only one injured. The impact caused her to hit her head on the steering wheel; her eye was bleeding and she had bruising and scrapes. Because she did hit the steering wheel, she needed to be checked for a concussion. We’re still not real sure why the air bag didn’t deploy.

We headed to the hospital … first ride in the ambulance for both of us.

Fantastic news was that CT scan showed no fractures or concussion. We headed home with some muscle relaxers and pain meds.

Yesterday morning, we saw the true impact of the her hitting the steering wheel.

And, then, of course, she had a choir concert that evening. Make-up could only do so much.

I’m so thankful for this beautiful girl and her precious life.

After the events of that evening, I laid down to sleep and thanked God for His protection over her life and the lives of each one of my family.

I also thanked God for His provision, knowing that this happened on the heels of Beau’s car being in the shop and us having one car. But, more importantly, this was on the heels of us giving … giving in areas we felt God wanted us to give to. This is such a blatant attack of the enemy to try to get us to waver in our faith and think that our God will not provide or meet all of our needs. But, this actually does the opposite. Our God is greater than any circumstance and we can trust Him. He will do what He says.

So, now we wait for insurance to settle and work out details with cars. But, as we wait, we know that God will bless us and cause this to turn out for our good.