by stillrising | Dec 31, 2015 | Daphne, Uncategorized
As I look back on 2015, I am amazed at all that has happened. I’m bombarded with images of how our lives used to be before that diagnosis in April, before our lives changed so drastically. So much has changed. So much is different. We’ve changed....
by stillrising | Dec 29, 2015 | Daphne, Uncategorized
Those words keep ringing in my head after yesterday’s clinic visit. We were expecting to hear a plan … a plan that would give us more of a guarantee, a plan that would help us have less anxiety, less worry, a plan that would help us have more of a...
by stillrising | Dec 24, 2015 | Daphne, Uncategorized
I woke up this morning with excitement about our regular Christmas Eve activities … Christmas movies all day, lots of cooking and baking, opening gifts, and Santa’s visit (yes, he visits children who are adults too). I woke up this morning thankful that...
by stillrising | Dec 14, 2015 | Daphne, Uncategorized
Our lives are filled with waiting. It’s an inevitable part of life. We’re always looking forward to the next thing. As kids, we can’t wait to grow up. We can’t wait to finish school. We can’t wait to get married. We can’t wait to...
by stillrising | Dec 7, 2015 | Daphne, Uncategorized
That’s what it feels like every time we have to travel back to Houston. We’ve been home for a few weeks now and things seem more normal, with some major adjustments, of course. But, nonetheless, definitely more normal. Actually, it feels beyond normal. It...
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