by stillrising | Feb 17, 2011 | Daphne, Uncategorized
… but you can ‘t take the teacher out of the teacher. I often want to jerk a knot in a kid’s tail. For real. K Belle often says I have a “teacher-mode” that just happens naturally. I don’t plan it. It exudes out of me. One thing...
by stillrising | Feb 16, 2011 | Daphne, Uncategorized
66 Valentine’s Days together? Incredible! I asked Beau if he could imagine spending 66 years with me. He gave me a smirk. I said, “That would be awesome! We’re not even halfway there. So many more years to go.” Woo Hoo! Bring it! Looking...
by stillrising | Feb 15, 2011 | Daphne, Uncategorized
I’m not talking about the 1985 miniseries, which included the fabulous acting stylings of Kirstie Alley and Patrick Swayze. Although this does hold a special place in my heart. Any entertainment where women can wear hoop skirts and carry parasols is a fine piece...
by stillrising | Feb 14, 2011 | Daphne, Uncategorized
Those were the good years. The years where I delighted in addressing my special little Valentine’s cards for my class. I remember taking great care in signing them and deciding on which love-phrase would be appropriate for which classmate. This was quite an...
by stillrising | Feb 11, 2011 | Daphne, Uncategorized
Yeah, yeah … we know … “Blondes have more fun.” Whatever. I disagree. I remember, when I was young, always liking the brunette characters of every TV show rather than the blonde (because I was a brunette little girl wanting to feel like I was...
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