New Do

New Do

Oops! I forgot to flip-flop the images, so just imagine me with the left side of my face on the right side of my face and vice-versa. I know it probably doesn’t look that different. I always go into the salon with these grand ideas of how I’m going to do a...
I’m Married to a Stud.

I’m Married to a Stud.

He’s the one at the bottom in the middle, sitting so properly, with his hands folded, fingers interlaced, matching the identical poses of his fellow posers. Check out the mustache. Someone posted this picture on Facebook under the group “I went to JSBC,...
Feast Your Eyes on this Beauty.

Feast Your Eyes on this Beauty.

I bought this lovely garment yesterday. I fell in love with it and was so excited to be able to wear it this weekend, until … I found out that a much thinner, cuter friend has the same blouse. She’s even worn it. How did I miss that? So, here’s the...
God and Honey Buns

God and Honey Buns

Ah, yes … the honey bun. It’s one of La Petite Belle’s favorites. I have never bought these Little Devil Debbie cakes. Now, that’s not to say that I have not bought others such as, the ever-popular oatmeal cream pie, and the strawberry cake...
The Lonely Goatherd

The Lonely Goatherd

The girls’ inspiration … for this. FYI: That is a sleep mask on K Belle’s head. They were still in their pjs when they performed this amazing act of puppetry. And when I say “puppetry,” I mean the puppets were beanie babies with each of...