A Letter to My Daughter

A Letter to My Daughter

My sweet girl, It’s been over three weeks since I’ve heard your voice. I remember your precious voice in our last phone conversation, where you called me at 1:00 am to bring you homemade sweet tea, a true southern belle until the very end. I didn’t...
One Week

One Week

That’s how long it’s been since our amazing girl went to be with Jesus. It’s only been a week, but it feels so much longer. There’s an emptiness within my heart and our lives, a huge, gaping hole left behind. I see La Petite Belle everywhere. I...
“A Rock and a Hard Place”

“A Rock and a Hard Place”

I used to use that phrase all the time … “It looks like we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place.” Recently, La Petite Belle looked at me and said, “Mama, that’s my whole life.” She’s right. How true this statement...
Facing Facts

Facing Facts

It’s been over two years since we’ve been dealing with La Petite Belle’s health situation. Most of those two years has been spent living at Texas Children’s Hospital. We know more than we care to know about the workings of the hospital. We know...
“Do you have children?”

“Do you have children?”

That’s usually how it all starts. I hesitate to answer sometimes, knowing that this one question could make the questioner sorry he or she ever asked.  Yes, I have children. The follow-up questions ensue. And, after I’ve mentioned K Belle, Australia, and...