by stillrising | Oct 28, 2010 | Daphne, Uncategorized
Men & women … we’re just not good for each other. Not. At. All. It’s so weird how God created us to be so different, yet be so together,to be united as one. Women & men are both evil in different ways. Really, they are. (These thoughts are...
by stillrising | Oct 27, 2010 | Daphne, Uncategorized
Last week, I made the mistake of mentioning to a few friends that I can’t stand the fact that lots of people, mainly women, use the phrase, “I love you” so flippantly. It makes me sound like a horrible person, doesn’t it? I know. Uck. I wish I...
by stillrising | Oct 25, 2010 | Daphne, Uncategorized
She’s so thin! Hilarious! No other comments required.
by stillrising | Oct 22, 2010 | Daphne, Uncategorized
Yesterday, on the way home from school, I mentioned that I might go home and whip up a quick gumbo (which is actually an oxymoron down here in Louisiana, because it’s not a REAL gumbo unless you’ve slaved for hours, making & constantly stirring your...
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