
Yesterday, La Petite Belle and I had “the talk” …. again. The first time came almost 2 years ago. We only handed out information that was necessary for her age at that time. There’s only so much a child can handle at a young age. But,...
I’m the meanest mom.

I’m the meanest mom.

La Petite Belle yelled from the bathroom last night, “Mommy, come here. Mommy, I need you to see something.” When these words are uttered from the bathroom, it’s never a good thing. I told her to wait a minute like most mothers do, and then headed...
Thanks, Facebook.

Thanks, Facebook.

I can always count on you to encourage my friends to post the most unflattering pictures of me … most involving food. Really? Does this look like a picture I would want anyone to see? This just looks inappropriate. But, I’m pretty much fearless....
I’m not sure about this.

I’m not sure about this.

K Belle just recently got her last round of immunizations before school started. She’s 12. The doctor discussed the Gardasil shot with me … the shot that protects against certain forms of HPV, which could possibly lead to cervical cancer later in life....

I have a flaw.

In deed, I have many flaws. I could make a list that would fill this blog from now until I’m dead and gone. But, thankfully, for you, I won’t do that. I’ll list one: Impatience. I hate waiting. Hate it. I am a get-it-done-now type of person. I...